NEW DIGITAL VET TRAINING FOR THE NEW REALITY OF JOB MARKETAs we enter the COVID-19 recovery phase (the so-called “new normal”), it will be critical to rethink how the Vocational and Educational Training should evolve after the cultural and societal changes brought by Covid-19.
More specifically, in the VET sector:
a) we need to support teachers and trainers in providing digital solutions (e-learning);
b) we need to produce online vocational SPECIFIC material;
c) we need to overcome the extra-obstacles to internet access by some groups (e.g. immigrants and low-income families);
d) we need to assess and certify new competencies digitally (Open Badges)
VET INNOVATION THROUGH E-LEARNING SOLUTIONSVET programmes suffered a double disadvantage because of the pandemic. The combination between social distancing requirements and the closure of enterprises have made practical and work-based learning – so crucial for the success of vocational education – difficult to be implemented. In this context, to develop digital solutions (e-learning) that are able to close the gap between VET and the workplace is necessary more than before. Nevertheless, the digitalization of VET training courses should not be considered just a solution to overcome the pandemic, but as an opportunity to introduce innovative learning methods in the VET training.
FUTURE SKILLS TO HELP EU ECONOMIC AND SOCIETAL RECOVERYOne of the effects of digitalization, through the development of freelance platforms and automated graphic design (e.g. CANVA), has been the increase of the unemployment rate in graphic designers. People who for decades spent their daily time creating visual concepts for companies or communicating ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers, suddenly found themselves out of a job. In this context, Bid Data Visualization Skills can represent a great opportunity to upskill professionals at work and unemployed graphic designers offering, at the same time, an innovative training opportunity to young people.
TO DISSEMINATE EU BIG DATA STRATEGYData storytelling accomplishes a more general need from the EU Commission related to the dissemination of the EU Big Data Strategy and its distinctive element related to the fact that European values, fundamental rights and human beings should represent the core of the Big Data strategy compare to the other global players (China and US).